Skilled Care
Home Care Skilled Services are available to Cuyahoga County residents who are Medicare/Medicaid eligible and under the care of a physician. Our goal is to provide caring, efficient, and effective home health care to adult medical/surgical patients, geriatric patients, and adults with multiple, or unstable medical conditions.
Skilled nursing
Physical therapy
Occupational therapy
Speech therapy
Medical social services
Home health aide services
Skilled nursing services are provided or supervised by a Registered Nurse. Clients receive a comprehensive assessment; care as prescribed by a physician, coordination of care and services, as well as client/family education. Education is a vital component of the care plan; so that clients and their families understand the diagnosis, illness, care plan, appropriate diet, as well as the importance of prescribed medications.
Eligibility Requirements
Potential clients for home care skilled services are eligible if they are:
Residents of Cuyahoga County over age 18
Medicaid/Medicare eligible
In need of medical or rehabilitation care
Living in their own home or apartment
The Home Care Skilled Services Division accepts both Medicare and Medicaid as reimbursement for services provided the above eligibility criteria are met. For further information, or to make referral, call (216) 420-6817.