Planning Commission
The Planning Commission of the City of Seven Hills is a recommending advisory body to City Council which is responsible for directing the short and long range growth and development of the City through maintenance and implementation of the City’s Master Plan and associated specific plans.
It is composed of five members who shall be residents of the City appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by Council. No member of the Planning Commission shall hold a real estate license, or real estate broker’s license, or shall be a land developer or agent of said developer. Council shall have final approval or disapproval of any action recommended by the Planning Commission.
The duties of the Planning Commission include, but are not limited to, implementing the Master Plan; make, amend, extend and add to the Master Plan for the physical development of the City; review of land development and subdivision plans; review proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map; exercise control over platting or subdividing land within the City; administer zoning laws, ordinance, rules and regulations which regulate the use and appearance of buildings, structures and land; regulate signs and billboards; regulate location, height, bulk number of stores, and size of buildings and structures; the size and use of lots, yards and other open spaces; the percentage of a lot which may be occupied by a building or structure; the intensity of land use.
The Planning Commission meets the first Wednesday of the month after the first Monday of the month at 7:30 PM unless posted otherwise. The meetings are held in the Council Chambers.
If a meeting must be canceled/rescheduled, it will be posted on the outside bulletin board and members will be notified.
2025 Planning Commission Meeting Dates & Submission Deadlines