Upcoming Events

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

Coffee & Networking
Call all business owners! Come enjoy coffee, connections, and confections at our monthly Coffee and Networking event!

Senior Breakfast and Bingo
Senior Breakfast - 8:30 am - 10:00 am - City Hall Community Room. Senior Bingo - 10:30 am - City Hall Community Room

Easter Egg Hunt
Kids 10 and under, join us for an Easter egg hunt at 11:00am and stay to get your picture with the Bunny Brothers.
The event will be held at the Seven Hills Rec Center. Weather permitting we will be outside in the soccer fields, if weather is not cooperating we will move the event inside to the gyms.

Document Shred Day
Bring your papers in a box or bag along with proof of residency to the parking lot behind city hall. This is for residents only, no businesses. For more information visit the Service Department Website

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

Coffee & Networking
Call all business owners! Come enjoy coffee, connections, and confections at our monthly Coffee and Networking event!

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

Senior Breakfast and Bingo
Senior Breakfast - 8:30 am - 10:00 am - City Hall Community Room. Senior Bingo - 10:30 am - City Hall Community Room

HHW, Computer, & Scrap Tire Roundup
Household Hazardous Waste & Computer Roundup will take place in the parking lot behind City Hall.

Memorial Day Parade & Ceremony
Our annual Memorial Day Parade will kick off at St. Columbkille Church and School and travel south down Broadview Road to Hillside Rd. ending at City Hall with a memorial ceremony

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

Baseball Opening Day
Join us for our Annual Baseball Opening Day at Calvin Park! We will have a ceremonial first pitch, special guests, hot dogs, and team pictures will be taken at the fields.

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

Senior Breakfast and Bingo
Senior Breakfast - 8:30 am - 10:00 am - City Hall Community Room. Senior Bingo - 10:30 am - City Hall Community Room

Summer Concert Series
Come to the Summitview Commons Pavilion behind City Hall to hear the Tommy Lee Thompson as Billy Joel

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

Summer Concert Series
Come to the Summitview Commons Pavilion behind City Hall to hear the Tommy Lee Thompson as Billy Joel

Senior Breakfast and Bingo
Senior Breakfast - 8:30 am - 10:00 am - City Hall Community Room. Senior Bingo - 10:30 am - City Hall Community Room

Farmers Market
Farmers Market will be held at the corner of Broadview Road and Hillside Road.

Summer Concert Series
Come to the Summitview Commons Pavilion behind City Hall to hear the Tommy Lee Thompson as Billy Joel

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

Farmers Market
Farmers Market will be held at the corner of Broadview Road and Hillside Road.

Seven Hills Home Days
We will be hosting our annual home days, featuring food trucks, rides, games, and a kid zone. Stay tuned for more information!

Farmers Market
Farmers Market will be held at the corner of Broadview Road and Hillside Road.

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

Farmers Market
Farmers Market will be held at the corner of Broadview Road and Hillside Road.

Farmers Market
Farmers Market will be held at the corner of Broadview Road and Hillside Road.

Summer Concert Series
Come to the Summitview Commons Pavilion behind City Hall to hear the Tommy Lee Thompson as Billy Joel

Document Shred Day
Bring your papers in a box or bag along with proof of residency to the parking lot behind city hall. This is for residents only, no businesses. For more information visit the Service Department Website

Senior Breakfast and Bingo
Senior Breakfast - 8:30 am - 10:00 am - City Hall Community Room. Senior Bingo - 10:30 am - City Hall Community Room

Farmers Market
Farmers Market will be held at the corner of Broadview Road and Hillside Road.

Farmers Market
Farmers Market will be held at the corner of Broadview Road and Hillside Road.

Summer Concert Series
Come to the Summitview Commons Pavilion behind City Hall to hear the Tommy Lee Thompson as Billy Joel

Farmers Market
Farmers Market will be held at the corner of Broadview Road and Hillside Road.

Farmers Market
Farmers Market will be held at the corner of Broadview Road and Hillside Road.

Senior Breakfast and Bingo
Senior Breakfast - 8:30 am - 10:00 am - City Hall Community Room. Senior Bingo - 10:30 am - City Hall Community Room

Farmers Market
Farmers Market will be held at the corner of Broadview Road and Hillside Road.

HHW, Computer, & Scrap Tire Roundup
Household Hazardous Waste & Computer Roundup will take place in the parking lot behind City Hall.

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

Farmers Market
Farmers Market will be held at the corner of Broadview Road and Hillside Road.

Farmers Market
Farmers Market will be held at the corner of Broadview Road and Hillside Road.

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

Senior Breakfast and Bingo
Senior Breakfast - 8:30 am - 10:00 am - City Hall Community Room. Senior Bingo - 10:30 am - City Hall Community Room

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

Zoning Board of Appeals
All plan submissions must be received by Friday, September 26th.

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

Senior Breakfast and Bingo
Senior Breakfast - 8:30 am - 10:00 am - City Hall Community Room. Senior Bingo - 10:30 am - City Hall Community Room

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

Christmas Adventure
Our Christmas parade will kick off from the Moose Lodge and end at City Hall where we will have Santa, cookies & cocoa, games, and crafts.

Senior Breakfast and Bingo
Senior Breakfast - 8:30 am - 10:00 am - City Hall Community Room. Senior Bingo - 10:30 am - City Hall Community Room

Zoning Board of Appeals
All plan submissions must be received by Wednesday, November 19th.

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

Zoning Board of Appeals
All plan submissions must be received by Monday, December 22nd.

Zoning Board of Appeals
All plan submissions must be received by Friday, February 21st.

Senior Breakfast and Bingo
Senior Breakfast - 8:30 am - 10:00 am - City Hall Community Room. Senior Bingo - 10:30 am - City Hall Community Room

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

Planning Commission
Submission deadline for plans: Friday, February 7th.
This meeting will be immediately following our 7:00 pm work session.

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

Senior Breakfast and Bingo
Senior Breakfast - 8:30 am - 10:00 am - City Hall Community Room. Senior Bingo - 10:30 am - City Hall Community Room

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.

Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on January 15th at 7:00pm.

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.
Records Retention Commission Meeting
A meeting of the Records Renton Commission is taking place on Tuesday January 14th at 5:45pm.

Senior Breakfast and Bingo
Senior Breakfast - 8:30 am - 10:00 am - City Hall Community Room. Senior Bingo - 10:30 am - City Hall Community Room
Planning Commission
The Planning, Zoning, and Economic Development Committee will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers or Council Caucus Room.

City Council Meeting
Committee Meeting at 6PM, Council Meeting immediately following the Committee Meeting.