Building Department
Contact Information
Building Department
7325 Summitview Drive
Seven Hills, OH 44131
216-525-6283 (fax)
About The Building Department
The City Building Department is certified by the State of Ohio to enforce the Ohio Building Code and the Residential Code of Ohio. Since May of 2007, residential building departments have been regulated by the Ohio Board of Building Standards; this action has caused building codes to be standardized throughout the state.
This consistency is a benefit to those contractors who work in more than one city, as well as the residents who will share in a wider experience base of contractors.
Building Department Inspectors – Our Inspectors are professionals working for the benefit of all the Citizens of Seven Hills and those that work and visit our City to promote public safety, reduce casualty loss, control insurance costs, and maintain property values by ensuring minimum construction and maintenance standards for all structures within the City.
Other responsibilities of the Building Department include response to property complaints and exterior property maintenance inspections. This function is important to protecting the safety and quality of our neighborhoods, as well as our property values. Inspectors respond to complaints that are received and determine if a violation exists.
The Building Department is willing to work with residents who have a willingness to have the violations corrected in a timely manner. To file a complaint with the Building Department, a Resident can use the complaint form in the links above, or a complaint can be called into the Building Department at (216) 524-4427.
Building Department Forms
Building Department Courtesy Notices
At times, after a complaint is received, or an inspection is made, a Courtesy Notice will be mailed notifying the owner of record to correct a violation and to call the city for an inspection. The notice goes on to explain the possible legal ramifications under the city ordinances.
In those cases where the owner contacts the Building Department, the practice has been to extend additional time to remedy the violation where the owner is moving forward with corrective action. Where the violation is not corrected and there has been no contact with the Building Department, a citation to appear in court may be issued. The city’s goal is to seek compliance where a violation occurs but to also work with our property owners on a case-by-case basis where warranted. The hope is that all property owners understand the importance of maintaining the quality of our housing stock and the necessity of enforcing our maintenance ordinances.
Summary of the Seven Hills Minimum Maintenance Program
It is important to our community that we maintain certain standards to assure that the exterior areas of each property are maintained in good repair and in a sanitary condition. This means that every structure or accessory structure, including fences, etc., must be kept in good repair and be free from deteriorated conditions or inadequate maintenance. This includes, by way of example only, the following:
Lawns, hedges, and bushes shall not become overgrown.
Accessory structures must be structurally sound and in good repair.
Driveways and walkways must be properly maintained.
Motor vehicles parked outdoors must be in operable condition with a current license plate registration. Vehicles must be parked in driveways and not left on the grass for extended periods of time.
Junk, debris, garbage, trash, litter, and other similar items shall not be allowed to accumulate on a property.
This is not a complete list of requirements. For more details, please contact the Building Department at (216) 524-4427 or building@sevenhillsohio.org. Maintenance complaint forms are also available on the city website.
The Building Department is also working closely with the City Engineer to abate the sanitary sewer cross connections. These violations cause problems with overloaded sewers and basement flooding. In the extreme cases raw sewage has been diverted directly to creeks and streams. Each year, approximately seven miles of sewer is tested. When a violation is identified, the property owner is given a notice that the violation must be corrected and retested.
The Building Department also issues permits for purposes or activities other than construction. Other permits would include the permits for garage sales and vehicle sales.
The Building Department is open Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. We strive to conduct ourselves in a professional, courteous manner, providing the residents and contractors with prompt and impartial service.
We can accept cash, checks, debit cards, Visa, and MasterCard for payments. Because of this ability, some permits can be issued without physically coming to city hall.
Property Owner Sidewalk Responsibility
Our city streets and sidewalks receive a great deal of use and are subject to constant exposure to our region’s harsh weather conditions, which can lead to deterioration and unsafe conditions. While the City takes care of road maintenance, property owners are required to take care of sidewalk repairs. Sidewalks and driveway curb cuts in disrepair, are unsightly, can reduce property values, lead to injury, and prevent their safe use by all of us and our visitors.
Pursuant to Seven Hills Codified Ordinance 702.01, the construction, maintenance, and repair of all sidewalks within the City is the responsibility of and shall be done by and at the expense of the person owning the property. Specifications for sidewalk installation and repair can be found at SHCO 702.02 and 702.3. Permits are required.
Further, The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a “trip hazard” as any vertical abrupt change of paving elevation over ¼ inch or more at any joint or crack. This includes protruding tree roots and transitions from concrete to blacktop services at curb cuts and where driveways adjoin sidewalks. Minor changes in elevation along walking surfaces of ½” can be ground down and beveled to be ADA compliant, while larger unlevel joints and pavement cracks may require removal and re-building of sections of sidewalk to be in compliance.
While maintaining the sidewalks of Seven Hills, Ohio is the legal responsibility of each property owner, it is also a matter of civic pride and duty to achieve a safer community for all of us. If you should have any questions, please contact the Building Department at (216) 524-4427.