Recreation Center Rules & Regulations
A valid Seven Hills Community Recreation Center ID is required to gain access to the Recreation Center in order to receive Member / Resident pricing. All guests are required to sign in on provided sheets. Replacement ID's are available for a fee of $5.
Resident Memberships require 2 proofs of residency to register and one to renew.
A Driver's License does not qualify as a proof of residency for renewals.
A valid Photo I.D. is required to enter the building and guests must sign in on provided sheets.
Children 10 years of age and younger must be accompanied by an adult in all areas of the facility. In the pool, children 5 years and younger must be accompanied by an adult IN THE WATER. Those under 13 years old must have an adult in the building.
No outside equipment is permitted in the facility (pool floats, etc...). BASKETBALLS ARE NOW PERMITTED!
NSF Check fees and bounced Internet Credit Card payments are $32 paid in cash plus the cost of your program / registration.
Shoes must be worn at all times in the Recreation Center, except in the Natatorium and locker rooms. Dark soled shoes or shoes that leave marks, turf shoes, spiked shoes or street shoes are not to be worn in the gym or aerobics room. Athletic shoes must be worn in the gym, aerobics room, fitness area and track.
Muddy or dirty shoes are not permitted in the Center. Participants are asked to change into clean, activity appropriate shoes.
The entire Seven Hills Recreation Center is a smoke free / vape free facility.
No spitting, chewing tobacco or gum is allowed in the facility.
The facility is a family-friendly environment. We ask that you dress appropriately and avoid the use of foul language.
Entry and Exit of the Center must always be made through the main entrance doorway. Anyone entering through other doors or caught allowing people in through other doors will be asked to leave immediately and membership will be revoked without refund.
Children over 3 years of age may not use the locker room of the opposite sex. Please use the family changing rooms.
Shirts must be worn at all times except in the pool.
We can issue credits but will not issue refunds for memberships or programs.
The minimum age in the fitness area is 13. Members ages 13 through 15 years old may use the fitness area only after completing the teen fitness assessment course.
Children under the age of 13 must be with a parent to use the walking track. Students will not be permitted to walk alone.
The minimum age to use the Hot Tub and Sauna is 18.
The Recreation Center Management reserves the right to revoke or suspend a membership at any time for any reason.
We are not liable / responsible for replacing any equipment, belongings, clothing, etc... that was damaged or stolen in the facility.
Food and drinks must be kept at tables outside of vending area. Outside food and drink is not permitted, except for previously booked parties in the Gathering Rooms.
For the safety of all members and guests, use of any and all cameras must be approved by the Recreation Center Director.
Recreation Center Management reserves the right to change policies or rules at any time.
Please contact Management On Duty for any questions or concerns.