Police Department
Frequently Asked Questions
Children under the age 12 - dusk to dawn
12 to 16 years old - 10PM - 6AM
17 years old - 12AM - 6AM
All businesses in Seven Hills are encouraged to complete a business information sheet with their emergency contact information and submit it to the Police Department. Download the form here.
The Seven Hills Police Department fingerprints residents by appointment only. To schedule an appointment contact the Police Secretary at 216-524-4423.
You must bring a driver's license or other official photo I.D. and proof of residence.
Police reports are available Monday through Friday from 8AM - 4PM in the main lobby of the Seven Hills Police Department or you may request in writing to have the report sent to you by U.S. mail. This request must be accompanied by a self-address stamped envelope and payment. You will need to call 216-524-4423 to determine the cost of the copy of the report. Download a Request Form Here.
Request forms can be dopped off in person at the Seven Hills Police Department or emailed to policesecretary@sevenhillspd.org.
Accident reports are available to involved parties by going to crashdocs.org or you can follow the below link. If you are requesting an accident report that occurred prior to March of 2019, you may contact our Police Secretary at 216-524-4423 or refer to the above FAQ.
Accident reports are also available to involved parties by going to The Ohio Department of Public Safety website or by following the below link:
You must go to court and speak to a judge or magistrate. You may plead no contest, explain the situation to the judge or magistrate, and comply with the finding or you may plead not guilty and have a trial.
You can pay a ticket Monday through Friday from 9AM - 4PM by responding to the Clerk of Court's Office, which is located at Seven Hills City Hall. If you have any questions about the cost of the ticket or court dates, you may call 216-524-4421 and speak with the Clerk.
Tickets can also be paid after hours at the Seven Hills Police Department by check or cash, but the exact dollar amount is required to process the payment.
The owner of the vehicle must respond to the Police Department with proof of ownership of the vehicle, either the title or registration, and identification. Paperwork will then be completed and you will receive a tow release. The tow release must be taken to the towing company and all fees will be paid to them.
The City of Seven Hills has a year round parking ban in place from 3AM - 6AM. Overnight parking permission may be granted under certain circumstances by contacting the Police Department at 216-524- 4423 or the Seven Hills Police Dispatch Center at 216-524-3911.
Do not send any money. This is a scam!! Ignore any phone calls you receive and throw away the letter or any check they send you. You can contact the police department with any questions.
Yes, the police will make periodic checks of your residence. Complete the attached vacation notice and drop it off at the Police Department between 8 AM – 4 PM or call 216-524-4423 and speak to a secretary.
Click HERE and enter all required information. Your address will be placed on the Do Not Knock List.
You can pick up a Do Not Knock sticker for your front door at the Seven Hills Recreation Center front desk.
Prior to receiving a permit, you must complete a solicitor application. Applications can be obtained at the Seven Hills Police Department by calling 216-524-4423 or emailing policesecretary@sevenhillspd.org. Once approved, you must check the Do Not Knock list located at www.sevenhillsohio.org prior to soliciting in Seven Hills. Soliciting is prohibited from 7:00 PM to 9:00 AM Monday through Saturday and any time on Sunday.
Download a Solicitor Application here.
All block party requests must be submitted in writing by a resident and emailed to policesecretary@sevenhillspd.org. All requests must include the following:
Name, address, phone number, and email address of the host.
The date, time (beginning and ending), and location of the party (a map must be attached indicating where temporary barriers will be placed with addresses clearly marked).
Permission by all residents within the temporary barriers (include name, addressees, and signatures). This can be done by the host preparing a permission page stating: “The undersigned resident gives permission for (event/date/time)”.
You will receive written approval or denial of your request. If approved, you are not permitted to block any fire hydrant within the temporary barriers. All parking laws remain in effect outside of the temporary barriers.
Click HERE for the official notice from the Mayor.
Additional Information:
Residential Security
The Seven Hills Police Department has a few suggestions that you may find helpful. Download the Residential Security pamphlet here.
ID Our Kids
When a child is missing or abducted, getting that child's photo and information on a potential abductor out to police, the public, and the media is essential. One way to expedite this process is to obtain a state ID for your child. This not only provides a photo, but next of kin information accessible to police if needed. An ID can be obtained by bringing the child, their birth certificate and social security card to any Deputy Registrar License agency. The cost of the ID is $8.50.
Next of Kin (NOK) Registration
During emergency circumstances, being able to make notification to an individual's next of kin could save a life or potentially allow some precious time with a loved one before they expire. The Ohio Department of Public Safety has now made this possible. Persons with an Ohio driver license or state ID can now register up to two trusted persons to be identified in the BMV database as Next of Kin. ONLY police can access the NOK information, it cost nothing to register, and is not subject to public records request. The NOK registration results in reducing time in locating next of kin and making prompt notification. Additional information and registration instructions can be obtained at the Ohio BMV website by clicking here.
Gun locks available to Seven Hills residents.
The Seven Hills Police Department has partnered with Project Child Safe to provide FREE gun locks to residents of the city. These locks are available on a first come, first serve basis at the Police Department with proof of residency.
The Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office’s Crime Strategies Unit is creating an inventory of surveillance cameras of homes and businesses throughout Cuyahoga County. The purpose is to create a comprehensive database that law enforcement can easily reference to find out where surveillance cameras are located in the event a crime was committed in the vicinity. Your camera location and contact information will only be shared with law enforcement to view footage and request a copy if it will be helpful to their investigation. Register your camera and help solve crime by filling out this form. Click Here for Video Surveillance Form.
We would like to partner with the community to register your surveillance cameras. We believe this initiative would benefit all of us by helping to keep our streets, yards and homes safe. When video footage in a specific area may be helpful to our investigation, we would like to contact you. This will allow our officers to view the footage and request a copy with your permission. Your information will be securely kept with the Seven Hills Police Department. This information will be used strictly for investigative purposes to make Seven Hills a safer place to live.
Please consider participating in this voluntary program. You can register your camera information by sending your name, address and phone number to tips@sevenhillspd.org. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Seven Hills Police Department at 216-524-4423.