Options for Elders
Options for Elders is a flexible, affordable program that provides in-home care to older Cuyahoga County residents who, because of income and/or assets, are not eligible for PASSPORT or other Medicaid waiver programs.
Services Provided:
Medical Transportation
Emergency Response System
Adult day services
Personal care
Homemaker services
Home delivered meals
Information and assistance
Case management by skilled social workers
To be eligible clients must be:
60+ years of age
Cuyahoga County residents
Living in a private home or apartment (excluding assisted living residences, adult care homes, nursing homes, and group homes)
Eligible for support services based on an assessment of need for assistance with daily activities. Examples: adults with limited vision, who walk with a cane, or who need help with bathing and/or food preparation.
Managing expenses on a modest monthly income with limited financial reserves
95% of Options clients rate their services as "good" or "excellent.” For further information, or to make referral by phone, call Options Intake at (216) 420-6800.