Medicaid Benefits
The Medicaid Benefits Division helps elderly applicants, or caregivers, determine Medicaid eligibility for Nursing Home placement, PASSPORT, and/or PACE (Program for All-inclusive Care for the Elderly).
To schedule a Medicaid eligibility interview for nursing home placement or PASSPORT, call 216-987-7075.
Medicaid provides comprehensive medical coverage - including health care delivered through fee for service for nursing home placement, or in home health care - depending on the client's health and financial status. Eligibility is determined by a state standard of need.
Call the Ohio Medicaid Hotline at 1-800-324-8680 for general information on programs, benefits, and eligibility requirements or view the Medicaid Eligibility Manual at https://medicaid.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/medicaid/resources-for-providers/policies-guidelines/medicaid-eligibility-procedure-letters/medicaid-eligibility-procedure-letters.
PASSPORT is a federal and state Medicaid waiver program for frail, low-income older persons 60+ who have functional limitations that require assistance with the activities of daily living. DSAS professionals assist in determining financial eligibility for PASSPORT. However, the Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging (WRAAA) must first assess the applicant's level of frailty and physical requirements for home support services.
PACE is an innovative program of care for frail older persons 55+. It includes, primary, specialty, acute, home care services, as well as long-term care from a single health provider.
Call Concordia Care at (216) 791-3580 for information or referral.