Meals On Wheels
Tony Terry
About Meals on Wheels
The City of Seven Hills in cooperation with Coyne Catering offers its residents a home delivered meal service. This program is vital in our community for those people who are unable, due to diminished motor skills or permanent or temporary physical disability to procure and/or prepare their own meals. This program serves two essential functions:
Home delivered meals, and
Daily contact with the resident on the program
When are meals delivered?
Meals on Wheels are generally delivered between the hours of 11AM and 1:00PM Monday through Friday. Weekends are not included. There will be no special exceptions made for splitting up the days of the week. Typically delivery will start on a Monday and end on a Friday unless an emergency situation occurs.
Who delivers the meals?
The delivery staff is made up of community volunteers.
What is the cost of the Meals on Wheels program?
At this time the price of the meals is $8.50 per day, per person and is determined by Coyne Catering. The collection will take place on Mondays for the following week of deliveries. Arrangement may be made with the Meals on Wheels coordinator to mail in payment and may include prepayment for up to 2 months of deliveries. If writing a check, please be sure to make payable to "The City of Seven Hills".
Who prepares the meals?
The meals are prepared at Coyne Catering. The meals consist of a cold lunch item as well as a re-heat dinner item. In addition there is typically bread and butter, a fruit, a dessert, and juice. There is no specific menu. Special requests are not permitted with the exception of dietary restrictions. At which point the resident may be eligible for meals provided by Parma Hospital.
Meals on Wheels Extra Help:
Seven Hills Meals on Wheels is a 5 day per week delivery with meals for lunch and dinner included. Because this is not complete weekly coverage for 3 meals per day, 7 days per week, the City of Seven Hills offers a food pantry that participants can request items for breakfast of for the weekends.
To secure food pantry items, please call coordinator Tony Terry to discuss items to best nutrition needs at 216-525-6230.
Extra help offered on a case by case basis and is available while supplies last.