Energy Assistance Programs
The Ohio Department of Development offers several programs to help income-eligible Ohioans pay their utility bills and improve the energy efficiency of their homes, including the federally-funded Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LI-HEAP):
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
Winter Crisis Program (E-HEAP)*
HEAP Summer Crisis Program (SCP)*
Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP)
Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) *
*For E-HEAP, SCP, and PIPP, an appointment is required at a local provider agency. Cuyahoga County residents who wish to make an appointment, should call the Council for Economic Opportunity in Greater Cleveland 24 hour Energy Assistance Appointment line at (216) 518-4014. The TTY number for the hearing impaired is 711.
Consumers can apply for HEAP from September 1, 2008 through March 31, 2009. Processing the application in Columbus may take 10 -12 weeks. To check the status of your HEAP application, call 1-800-282-0880 or e-mail the Ohio Department of Development at energyhelp.ohio.gov.
What you need to apply:
Proof of citizenship or alien status for all household members.
Completed and signed application
Proof of income for the last 12 months for HEAP; the last 3 months for PIPP
Copy of your most recent utility bills
Documentation of social security number and birth date
Income information for all household members 18 years of age and older
The Department of Senior & Adult Services (DSAS) specializes in HEAP outreach to seniors 60+ and adults with disabilities 18+. Contact the DSAS HEAP Coordinator at (216) 420-6830 if you need assistance.
2008-2009 Income Eligibility Guidelines for HEAP
Size of Household – Total household income for 12 months
1 person – up to $18,200.00
2 person – up to $24,500.00
3 person – up to $30,800.00
4 person – up to $37,100.00
5 person – up to $43,400.00
6 person – up to $49,700.00
7 person – up to $56,000.00
8 person – up to $62,300.00
For households with more than 8 members, add $6,300 per member. Please check dsas.cuyahogacounty.us for updated Eligibility Guidelines.
Senior Coordinator, Tony Terry can assist in filing for Energy Assistance Programs by appointment. Please contact Mayor's Office at 216-525-6230 to check available appointment dates and times.