Community Resources
Community Resources focuses on issues of immediate concern to residents. The principal units within this division are:
Information Outreach
The Information Outreach Unit administers the Benefits Check Up and Home Energy Assistance Programs, including HEAP.
Medical Unit
Registered nurses in the Medical Unit conduct nursing and mental health assessments as part of an interagency team that offers face-to-face assessment, immediate crisis counseling, and ongoing mental health services. This unit assists older adults in crisis through Project Assist and SAVES.
Resource Unit
The Resource Unit conducts assessments for vulnerable adults 18+ in need of social services or to resolve other unmet needs, such as housing, medical care and/or disability assistance. Case management is provided for clients participating in a representative payee program, adult care homes, as well as for those with long term needs.
Project Assist
Project Assist serves older adults with moderate to severe mental illness who face homelessness or are in crisis. Referrals to Project Assist can be made 24 hours a day 7 days a week by calling the DSAS' Elder Abuse Hotline (216) 420-6700 or the Mental Health Services Mobile Crisis Team (216) 623-6888. Project Assist service partners include: Cuyahoga County Community Mental Health Board, Mental Health Services, Inc., Cuyahoga County Department of Senior & Adult Services,, Benjamin Rose, Recovery Resources, Inc., Adult Guardianship Service of Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry and Margaret Blenkner Research Institute of Benjamin Rose.
Elder Abuse Hotline
(216) 420-6700Mental Health Services Mobile Crisis Team
(216) 623-6888
Click here for information regarding elder abuse prevention.
(Senior Anti-Violence Empowerment Services Network) is a collaboration among organizational partners committed to serving adults 60+ who are victims of domestic violence. The SAVES network was launched in 2005 to help this underserved population. The SAVES network is composed of nine partners that have significant experience serving the elderly and/or domestic violence victims: Benjamin Rose, Catholic Charities, Cuyahoga County Department of Senior & Adult Services, Cuyahoga County Witness/Victim Services Center, Domestic Violence Center, Jewish Family Service Association, Lakewood Department of Human Services, Recovery Resources and the West Side Catholic Shelter.