Tree Information
The City Service Director is the contact person for all tree-related questions.
If you are having a tree concern you can contact the Service Director for an appointment to come view the tree and make an assessment and recommendation for tree lawn trees.
For matters concerning insects and diseases contact Ohio State University Extension at: http://extension.osu.edu/index.php or call (614) 292-6181.
To review the Seven Hills Codified Ordinances regarding trees, please see Chapter 707 in the Streets and Public Services section of the Ordinances.
If you are considering planting a new tree in your tree lawn written permission must first be granted by the Service Department. Please check with the Service Department before planting any street trees.
Tree City U.S.A.
The City of Seven Hills has joined a privileged class of communities by becoming a "Tree City U.S.A." community. On May 14, 2013, the City was presented with its “Fifth Year” plaque acknowledging that we have met the Tree City USA requirements.
Do you have Oak Trees?
ODNR's Division of Forestry has notified the City that the tree disease 'Oak Wilt' has been identified on private property (along a power line corridor) in an area of Seven Hills. Residents within the immediate area were notified via letter by the City Service Director. Please visit https://ohiodnr.gov/discover-and-learn/safety-conservation/about-ODNR/forestry to learn more about tree disease and ways to control oak wilt.