Adult Leagues
Adult Men’s Hoops
Men’s leagues will play on Thursday nights and Sundays. Sundays: Bronze Division will play early to mid-afternoons and Sunday Silver Division will play afternoon to early evenings. Gold Division will play from afternoon to late evening. Competition is as follows: Gold is highly competitive, Silver is a fundamental level of play where defense and scoring are concerned. Bronze Division is a recreational level league and is a great start for new teams not familiar with our leagues. Thursdays are a mix of Gold & Silver talent. Contact Phil Tomberlain at rookieathletics@gmail.com for more information regarding our upcoming leagues!
Co-Ed Softball
Registration will begin mid-summer - Games are played on Friday evenings beginning in August through October.
Contact Michael at MKlubnik@sevenhillsohio.org for more info.
Click HERE for schedules and more information.
Adult Flag Football
Adult Flag Football games are played Saturday mornings beginning late August. Behind City Hall (Summitview Commons)
Contact Michael at MKlubnik@sevenhillsohio.org for more info.
Click HERE for schedules and more information
Adult Volleyball
Contact Dave at diluzio@cox.net today for more info!
Bocce League
Warm up your pallino! The Bocce courts are located at Summitview Commons behind City Hall near the pavilion. As long as no league games are being played, courts are open to the public!
Contact Michael at MKlubnik@sevenhillsohio.org
Click HERE for schedules and more information
Open Pickleball
Join us for open pickleball! We will have open play as listed below:
John Glenn Park on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday starting at 9:00 am.
Meijer Park on Tuesday and Thursday mornings starting at 9:00 am and Thursday and Friday evenings starting at 6:30 pm.
Wednesday at 9:00 am @ John Glenn Park
Thursday at 6:30 pm @ Meijer Park